RDC’s Managing Director Moosa Ali Manik. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
The court on Saturday has ordered a travel ban on former Road Development Corporation (RDC) Managing Director, Moosa Ali Manik (Mookey) and Chief Financial Officer, Yasir Hassan.
The two were served with travel bans in relation to an ongoing investigation by the Maldives Police Service, and their ban was effectively communicated to them.
Police had also inspected the private residences of both Moosa and Yasir as part of the investigations into serious corruption allegations, and confiscated various electronic devices for the probe.
Under the helm of Moosa, who was appointed to the role during the former Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)-led government, RDC was mired in several corruption allegations while the company was seriously in debt.
According to current RDC management, it had inherited a total debt of MVR 837 million when it took over following the ascension of the current government. The new management further said that the corporation had disbursed a total of MVR 161 million to multiple parties without proper transaction slips or documents.
Besides this, the corporation’s safe went missing while several robberies took place in its office during the former management.
Police had raided the office earlier on November 15th last year as part of the investigation and confiscated several documents.
The investigation is still ongoing pending completion.