Abdulla Jabir. (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)
The Green Party is a party of the common people and is designed to empower them, states Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir, the party’s founder.
Jabir told Sun on Tuesday that the party is receiving huge support from the youth.
The Elections Commission (EC) issued approval for the formation of the party on February 13.
“Some 1,800 people have signed with Green Party now. We are working on reaching 3,000,” said Jabir.
Political parties receive three months to meet the minimum membership requirement after they are issued approval, and are usually issued an extension of an additional three months if required.
“I’ve noticed there’s huge support from the youth. Most of the members joining us are the youth. We are also talking with more people,” he said.
Jabir said the Green Party will be different from the political parties currently operating in Maldives.
He said that the Green Party, unlike other political parties, will empower its ordinary members.
Jabir said the party will bring an end to the culture of parties revolving around a specific individual.
“We will focus on empowerment of the grassroots. I don’t see any party operating as a true political party. The parties operate as the property of specific individuals,” he said.
Jabir believes the lack of true political parties in Maldives is the reason why so many Maldivians do not support any party.
We must birth a new idea in order to change this, he said.