Inside the opening of MDP campaign hall "Gamu Rashaad Jagaha" in Male' City on 19 August 2018. (Photo/MDP)
Opposition candidate in the up coming Presidential Election, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) has said that the price of the flats would be reduce in his reign.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the "Gamu Rashaad Jagaha" campaign hall in Henveiru, Ibu said that he would provide housing at a lower price and in a fair way when he is elected.
Ibu said that the cost of housing has become a burden to the people and to ease that, he would arrange long term easy loans in his presidency.
He said that one of the most noted problem during the door-to-door campaign was housing costs and those who apply for housing not getting housing fairly.
The MDP candidate said that in his regime, housing would not be given to people unfairly to those who does not deserve it. And give them to those who score highest on the marks sheet. He said that social organizations are also going to be involved in the evaluation before awarding flats.
Ibu also said that he would resolve the traffic issue in Male' City as it has become a difficult place for pedestrians on foot.