
Foreign Minister leaves for Jeddah for OIC discussions on Palestine

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abdulla Khaleel: the minister said that the world right now needs a United Nations bold enough to put its words into action. (Photo: Foreign Ministry)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abdulla Khaleel leaves for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to take part at the Organization for Islamic Corporation (OIC) meeting regarding the ongoing Palestinian humanitarian crisis.

The ministry confirmed the objective of this meeting is to discuss potential diplomatic solutions regarding the Middle-Eastern crisis as Israel has reignited its calls of Palestinian displacements.

The current administration has been a vocal advocator on behalf of Palestine, with several government officials calling to end the injustice against Palestinian people at various international platforms.

Despite the continued efforts by the Maldives government to advocate on behalf of Palestine, the halt on Israel’s passport ban at the ruling People’s National Congress (PNC)-controlled parliament has attracted constant criticism from the public and opposition.

More than 48,200 Palestinian lives have been claimed since Israel launched its attacks on October 7, 2023.

According to the United Nations, the attacks that lasted more than 15 months had destroyed the entirety of Gazan strip and 69 percent of Palestine’s residences with Palestinians in constant hunger.

The attacks exchanged between the Israeli army and Hamas had reached an armistice on January 19, 2025.
