Two staff at a construction site. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Afraah)
Finance Ministry has made no comment despite construction companies awarded government projects having raised concerns about the delays in settling payment for projects.
Sun has been trying to obtain a comment from Finance Ministry regarding the concerns of the companies over the course of the past two days. In this regard, texts and calls to Finance Ministry’s Media Executive Mohamed Shanoon have been answered to date.
Maldives National Association of Construction Industry (MNACI), in a statement expressing concern over the matter, said non-payment has forced companies to undertake the work using their personal equipment and are also facing difficulties in paying suppliers and covering the expenses for staff including salaries, food and allowances.
The association said they have repeatedly met with senior officials from relevant government organizations where they have urged to settle the payments in accordance with the dates stipulated in the contracts. However, the issue has yet to be resolved.
Prior to this, contractors have taken to roads to express concern over the non-payment of monies owed by state.
MVR 8.5 million has been approved for PSIP projects in this year’s state budget As per statistics publicize by Finance Ministry, MVR 8.2 million has been spent on PSIP projects so far this year.