Recipients of land under ‘Binveriya’ scheme wait at Galolhu National Stadium. (Sun Photo/Maahil Athif)
Hundreds of people filled up the Galolhu Football Stadium on Tuesday, as the draw for allocation of land under the ‘Binveriya’ housing scheme began.
State Minister for Planning, Akram Kamaluddin told Sun that the draw, which began at noon, will continue until 10:00 pm.
Akram hopes to complete the draw within the next 10 days.
Recipients of land under the ‘Binveriya’ scheme will be allocated land from Hulhumale’, Gulhifalhu, and Giraavarufalhu.
Recipients will pick the location and number of the land plot in the draw.
Recipients can check the location via the Gedhoruveriya portal after the draw.
The Planning Ministry published the permanent list of 5,000 recipients of the ‘Binveriya’ scheme on Sunday night.
While the tentative list had listed 19,858 eligible applicants, the permanent list lists 19,865 eligible applicants.
Akram Kamaluddin previously said that 18,955 applicants will receive plots from the land that is currently available, while the remaining 684 applicants receive plots from land that will be added later. They include applicants who are under 25 years of age and are unmarried and childless.
He said that all applicants on the list will have land registered to their name before the end of the current term.