Elections Commission.
The political parties sent notice for dissolution for failure to meet the 3,000-member requirement have submitted membership forms to the Elections Commission (EC) to meet the legal requirement.
The parties sent notice by the EC included Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Maldives Third-Way Democrats (MTD), Maldives Labor and Social Democratic Party (MLSDP), and Maldives Reform Movement (MRM).
EC has released information on the number of membership forms submitted by the parties by 10:00 pm Tuesday – when the notice period expired.
The information shows all the parties had submitted enough forms to meet the legal requirement.
DRP, which had 2,269 members when it received the notice, submitted 788 new forms; MTD, which has 2,457 members, submitted 962 forms; and MLSDP, which has 2,691 members, submitted 376 forms.
Meanwhile, MRM, which has 2,280 members, submitted 1,397 forms.
MRM had already been informed by the EC that it had met the 3,000-member requirement before the notice period expired.
EC’s vice chairman Ismail Habeeb told Sun the commission was verifying the forms.
‘We are working on speeding up the process. We will open [for complaints] as soon as the process is done. We are trying to work as quickly as possible,” he said.
EC said that parties would be informed as soon as it confirms the validity of the forms.