People wait at the front entrance of Indhira Gandhi Memorial (IGMH) on May 14, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Health Protection Agency (HPA) announced on Monday that Maldives’ COVID-19 death toll has risen to 45.
HPA identified the deceased as a 72-year-old Maldivian male.
He taken to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)’s Emergency Room in an unresponsive state, and declared dead at 06:36 pm on Monday.
He was tested for COVID-19 in accordance with protocol, and the results came back positive.
“This is the 45th COVID-19 death in the Maldives,” announced HPA.
It marks the second COVID-19 fatality in 24 hours.
Maldives has 12,314 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 110 new cases recorded on Monday. 11,316 patients have since recovered, and the country currently has 947 active cases.
59 of the patients are hospitalized.