Two women wear face masks to protect against the spread of the new coronavirus as walk along a road in Male' City. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
National Emergency Operations Center has announced that six more individuals have recovered from the COVID-19 in the Maldives.
The total number of recoveries in the country has now increased to 46, while the total number of infected cases has increased to 982 with 27 cases confirmed today.
Speaking in tonight's press conference, NEOC medical officer Dr. Ibrahim Afzal stated that the recovered individuals today were all locals.
NEOC also announced 65 people were released from quarantine measures. 555 test samples were collected in the last 24 hours which brings the total number of tests in the country to 13,639.
The Maldives has so fsr recorded four deaths from the virus.
The first community case of the virus was identified in the capital Male' City on April 15. Since then, the majority of the 982 cases have occurred in the capital.