Avid college graduation ceremony held on November 4, 2019. A total of 713 students graduated from Avid college which is one of the largest colleges in the country. (Photo/Mihaaru)
A total of 713 students graduated from Avid College last night at a special ceremony in Dharubaaruge.
Certificates of graduation were awarded by Dr. Abdulla Shiyam and the graduates included students from Avid College campuses all over the country. Certificates were given to students who graduated from certificate, diploma, associate degree, undergraduate and post-graduate-level courses.
17 students gained the top achiever's award and the chairmen’s award, chairmen diamond award was attained by one student each.
Avid College currently has around 1500 students studying in different campuses all over the country and has courses on office management, educational leadership, teaching, counseling, psychology and sharia, and law as well.