H.Dh Nolhivaranfaru.
The government has decided to give financial aid for families who were moved to H.Dh Nolhivaramfaru in 2011 under the government's Relocation policy.
The government's policy saw families from Faridhoo, Kunburudhoo, and Maavaidhoo relocated to Nolhivaramfaru. To this day, these 52 families have not been provided permanent shelters, according to Nolhivaramfaru Council.
The Council has also informed that the first part of the financial aid designated for the families has been received by the Council and every family will receive MVR 156,000. Nolhivaramfaru Council also stated that the Housing Ministry had cited budget difficulties that resulted in the financial aid for these families being halted. The aid will now be provided in three phases.
The first phase will see each family receive MVR 117,000. The Council informed that families entitled to the aid can collect it from the Council office frim 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and should also bring their identification with them.