
Police ask anyone overcharged by Al-Haramain to come forward

Maldives Police Service has asked anyone who may have been overcharged by Al-Haramain Hajj and Umrah Group to come forward and share the information with the agency. (File Photo/Mohamed Muzain Nazim)

Maldives Police Service has asked any pilgrim who was overcharged by Al-Haramain Hajj and Umrah Group to come forward and share the information with investigators.

Al-Haramain is currently under investigation by the police following allegations the company overcharged the pilgrims who will embark on Hajj pilgrimage under their charge this year.

Al-Haramain was issued permit by Islamic Ministry to charge MVR 69,965 for Hajj tours from pilgrims.

However, some of the pilgrims who spoke to Sun allege the company charged several of the pilgrims over MVR 100,000 for slots to embark on Hajj pilgrimage.

A police spokesperson who spoke to Sun last week said investigators have questioned and obtained statements from several officials from Al-Haramain and others in connection to the case.

The spokesperson said the case was being investigated as a serious issue.

While the case remains open, the first batch of pilgrims from Maldives left for Saudi Arabia this Sunday.
