Sindhitha no. 702 washes ashore Th. Veymandoo beach. (Photo/Veymandoo Council)
The local council is looking for the owner of a fiberglass boat that washed ashore the beach on the western end of Th. Veymandoo.
Veymandoo Council’s president Rashvan Adam told Sun they believe it most likely the boat belonged to Funaddoo Tuna Products Pvt. Ltd., which had run a fish factory in Th. Funaddoo.
Rashvan said they believe the boat had been kept moored in the natural harbor in Veymandoo because of lack of space in the Funaddoo harbor.
He said the boat had been moored in Veymandoo harbor for a long time.
“The boat washed ashore after the rope broke,” he said.
Rashvan said the boat had washed ashore the beach over a month ago.
He said the boat was causing damage to the beach, and could lead to beach erosion.
“The area is used for fiberglass work and maintenance of boats and dinghies. It will therefore cause difficulties in moving boats to the sea,” he said.
Rashvan said the boat, Sindhitha no. 702, was old and decaying.
He said that the council would dispose of the boat if the owner did not come forward in 30 days.
“If the owner fails to show up in 30 days, we will dispose of the boat in accordance with standard procedure. We ask that the owner come forward and remove the boat and clear the area without delay,” he said.