President of Anti-Corruption Commission Mariyam Shiuna speaking with reporters. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Anti-Corruption Commission’s (ACC) statistics show that only MVR 11,000 has been recovered from the MVR 29 million requested to be recovered for the State – by the Commission with the government authorities during last year.
In a report released today – ACC said that they had sent eight cases to government authorities requesting the recovery of monies entitled to the State last year. The eight cases – when combined – total up to MVR 29.2 million.
ACC’s report said that only MVR 11,000 has been successfully recovered from the aforesaid amount up until now.
The report further detailed that from the cases sent by ACC to the Prosecutor General’s Office last year, seven cases involved money. When combined – the total amount of money involved in these seven cases is said to be MVR 197 million. MVR 4 million out of this – is money owed to the State.
However, ACC’s report noted that not a penny from this money has been recovered – even through court cases.
The report further provided statistics of cases undertaken by ACC – which indicates that the cases filed with them in 2020 have decreased by 25 percent in comparison to 2020. ACC attributed the decrease in cases to the lockdown which was imposed last year in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whilst cases registered with ACC had decreased last year – the cases reviewed and concluded by ACC had increased by 35 percent compared to the previous year.
In this regard – whilst 1,397 cases were registered with ACC in 2019, they were able to review and concluded 710 cases. In 2020, 938 cases were registered with ACC – out of which they reviewed and concluded 961 cases.
The most common type of cases which had been reviewed by ACC during last year were pertaining to providing advantage to a third party – of which 333 cases were reviewed.
50 cases pertaining to personal gain, 16 cases on actions the preclude advantage to the State and 12 cases of bribery, were also reviewed.