Kandima Maldives.
The operation permit provided to Kandima Maldives has been temporarily suspended by the Tourism Ministry.
The suspension was due to alleged violations of the standard operating procedures issued to resorts in the Maldives for operations during the COVID-19 situation. This is the first time action has been taken against a resort in the Maldives for violations of the COVID-19 SOPs.
The resort was removed from the Tourism Ministry’s list of operating resorts.
A staffer of the resort passed away at Dh. Atoll Hospital earlier this month. The family of the staffer has alleged gross negligence in the part of the resort for failing to provide the staffer with healthcare before the death. A total of 60 cases have been identified from the resort since then.
Health Protection Agency (HPA) has also alleged that the resort provided officials with misleading information. A criminal investigation has also been requested from the police into the matter.
Family members of the deceased staffer had informed Sun that the staffer had requested the management of the resort to go see a doctor on multiple occasions to no avail.