
Motion calling to oust members of MDN in govt. rejected

Vice President of the main opposition party PPM and Naifaru MP Ahmed Shiyam. (Photo/Parliament)

A resolution to dismiss members of MDN who are serving in government positions has been rejected by the Parliament. The resolution comes after a report by MDN that has caused controversy for containing irreligious content and mocking the religion of Islam.

The emergency motion was presented by the Vice President of the main opposition party PPM and Naifaru MP Ahmed Shiyam who called for the dismissal of MDN members in government posts since the government has accepted that the report by MDN contained irreligious content. The motion also called on action to be taken against those involved. 

“It can be assumed that these individuals serving in the government would use their power and the influence of their position to harass the religion of Islam since they have been previously appointed to enforcement authorities and agencies of the country,” said Shiyam as the reason for his motion.

The motion gained the support of 11 MPs while 35 MPs voted to reject the motion. This motion to dismiss MDN members from the government comes after the Anti-Terrorism Consultant of the President’s Office Nooshin Waheed resigned from her post as the Chairperson of MDN yesterday. 

There are also called to dismiss the Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed amidst rumors that the CP was a previously a board member of MDN. These allegations were put to rest by the Police which stated that that the CP does not carry-out or fulfill any other positions other than the position in the Police force. 

Calls to disallow the organization have also been rising since a report by MDN containing irreligious content hit the public eye. Police are investigating the matter after the report was submitted by the Islamic Ministry. The President also vowed to take steps in the case. 

A heated political debate also took place in the Parliament after an emergency issue was submitted to the Parliament regarding the report on Monday.
