The decayed skull of Luthufaru was found on the seabed after extensive search by MNDF. (Photo/Police)
The Criminal Court has closed the case of the death of Luthufaru and has given a 30-day period to complete the investigation due to unresolved issues in the case.
Charges were brought in this case against three Bangladeshi nationals who worked with Luthufaru on the “Kurimagu” boat in SH. Lhaimagu. They have been named as Alamin, Noorul Islam, and MD Ahthar Hussein. Police have stated that they murdered Luthufaru because he tried to have homosexual sex with them.
The three Bangladeshi nationals, charged with murder, killed Luthufaru by suffocating him, and details that emerged from the case have shown that the man named in the case as Alamin was holding the legs of Luthufaru and Noorul Islam was covering the face while MD Ahthar strangled Luthufaru.
The three people had admitted to the crime and signed a confession statement with the Prosecutor General before the case was brought to court. However, during their first trial at the Criminal Court, the three men stated that they had only admitted to the crime because the Police had threatened and harmed them while in custody and denied the charges of murder brought against them in court. The prosecution then asked the court to decide on the confession statement asked for additional time to have the case investigated due to the unanswered issues in the case.
The judge presiding over the case, Judge Hussein Faaiz Rashaad closed the case and ruled that the confession agreement of the defendants was not permissible as they denied the charges in court and gave the prosecution 30 days to have the case investigated and bring renewed charges against the defendants.
Luthufaru was killed on the boat that he and the defendants were working. His body was sunk with weights attached with MNDF finding the decayed body after an extensive search was conducted.