
Parliament approves legal assistance treaty with India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (L) shakes hands with Speaker of Parliament, President Mohamed Nasheed (R) on June 8, 2019. (File Photo/People's Majlis)

The Parliament has provided its approval to the treaty between Maldives and India for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

The treaty was passed intact with the majority vote of 65 parliamentarians this Monday afternoon. Only 11 parliamentarians voted against the treaty.

Several parliamentarians, including JP leader Qasim Ibrahim voiced alarm over the treaty during the parliamentary debate earlier this Monday.

Qasim said the treaty was more beneficial to India than Maldives, and would open room for India to take unfair advantage.

Another parliamentarian who opposed the treaty, PNC deputy leader Mohamed Saeed said the treaty would require disclosure of confidential information regarding foreign investors.

Meanwhile MDP parliamentarian, Eva Abdulla dismissed the concern as fear over broader investigation into crime.

She said the treaty would not harm the economy or independence and sovereignty of Maldives.

The Attorney General’s Office issued a statement providing assurance the treaty will not encroach on any constitutional or legal right of a Maldivian citizen.


  • Mutual assistance in stopping crimes
  • Mutual assistance and cooperation in enforcing court summons, court orders, and other judiciary matters
  • Mutual cooperation between law enforcement agencies to stop crime and investigate crime
  • Mutual assistance and funding for anti-terrorism efforts, and efforts to stop other crimes
  • Mutual cooperation in investigations and judicial reform
  • Mutual cooperation in criminal matters at the widest possible scope in accordance with the laws of the two countries and the articles of the treaty
  • Mutual assistance in investigations, trials and matters related to reaching a verdict
  • Expenses need to be covered by the country which makes the appeal for assistance
  • Wider scope for obtaining evidence and questioning suspects or persons of interest for purpose of investigations